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Steeplechase Masterclass with Luke Gunn

Luke Gunn, ex International Steeplechaser and the current Head of Athletics at the University of Birmingham, will talk through his experiences of coaching the Steeplechase event. Book Now During the webinar you will learn all about: The steeplechase is an event that continues to offer huge opportunities to British Junior and Senior athletes. Coaches looking …

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Webinar – Q&A and Pace-Change with Geoff Wightman

BOOK HERE Join World Champion coach Geoff Wightman to glean insights into middle-distance running and coaching at the highest level. We are delighted to welcome this firm supporter of the BMC to our webinar series. He will both field questions from the audience and deliver a presentation about coaching pace-change. Please submit any questions at …

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Dealing with Nerves Webinar

Physiological and psychological tips to control and harness nervous energy to create optimal performance states Book here About this event Combining both evidence from scientific literature and anecdotes from top level performers in a variety of fields, you will gain insights into the physiological and psychological components of performance nerves with practical tips and exercises …

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The BMC is delighted to announce support for coaches in 2022. Under the Frank Horwill Coaching Awards ,an annual project, six BMC coaches have received  ,£3,000 in total, financial support. Awards have been made to: Hayley Pegg Carol Sharp Pippa Woolven Nathan Shrubb Idris Hamud Graham Millican This enables coaches to enhance their coaching knowledge …

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RED-S – Pippa Woolven Webinar Under fueling and over training can lead athletes into serious health issues a condition known as RED-S. Relative Enery Defficiency Syndrome. In this recorded Webinar, Beck Lyne introduces Pippa Woolven, who describes her own personal experiences, what to look out for, and what to do. For more information on RED-S the Project RED-S website …

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Motivation and Motivational Climate

‘An evidenced based conversation on motivation in elite track & field athletics with novel insights from top-level athletes and coaches. In this research informed presentation by PhD researcher and applied practitioner, Matthew Cullen, you will learn all about: Elite athlete conceptions of motivation The impact that an athlete’s support team can have on their motivation. …

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Webinar – Running Technique and Strength and Conditioning

For a recording on this webinar please go to Humans are designed to run. But, due to our more sedentary lifestyles and clompy, cushioned trainers, it is an art that we have increasingly lost touch with. In this webinar you will learn about 5 of the key biomechanical principles that form the human blueprint …

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BMC Leeds Coaching Day

Thanks to eveyone who attended the BMC coaching day which took place as part of the European Endurance Conferance at Leeds Beckett University. Bernard Ouma Kenyan Olympic Coach to World  1500m  Champion Timothy Cheruiuyot  (above)  inteviewed  by Geoff Wightman Norman Poole “Aspects  of the  800m” Andy Young, Coach to Olymic silver medalist  Laura Muir and …

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5000m coaching discussion with Tim Hutchings and BMC Coaches

BMC 5000m coaching discussion with Tim Hutchings 4th 1984 Olympic 5000m and 2 x world cross country silver medallist. Neville Taylor compares and is joined by David Lowes and Mark Hookway. Photo Mark Shearman – Tim Hutchings and Said Aouita in the Los Angeles Olympic final

800m Coaching – Zoom call recording

Top coaches Norman Poole, James Thie, Andy Henderson, David Lowes and Mark Hookway bring a massive amount of knowledge to the table as they join together in a zoom call facilitated by Neville Taylor. They disuss the different approaches to 800m training and how to develop the 400m/800m type athlete and the 800m/1500m athlete.