Years of poor running form (and everyday posture!) can ingrain bad habits that prevent you from being able to access your innate ability to run freely and injury-free.
In this practical workshop you will be guided through a series of strength and range of motion exercises to see how you measure up against recommended movement ‘standards’ for healthy running.
With your areas for improvement clearly revealed, you will then be taught exercises and releases to address your form flaws.
About your practitioner:
Becky Lyne is the founder of Gracefull Running. Through her workshops and online analyses she helps runners of all abilities to move more as humans are designed to, making running kinder on the body and PBs more possible!
Her 10-year professional athletics career (culminating in being voted Britain’s Female Athlete of the Year, 2006) and her Sports Science degree from Loughborough University (First Class Hons) afforded her access to world-leading specialists in sports medicine, coaching and biomechanics. Having implemented her findings to break-free of the injuries that ended her career, she is now passionate about helping other runners to train in a more sustainable and healthy way.
Follow her on instagram to learn tips for better running.